OOO «Aristo Severo-Zapad» 97 Budapeshtskaya St., St. Petersburg, 192283, Russia []
Abstract.The article reconstructs the initial position of the rock slab with carvings from the collection of The National Museum of the Republic of Karelia on the Peri Nos III cape. The reconstruction is based on an interdisciplinary approach. It combines archival studies, archaeological explorations, analyses of museum collections and 3D modeling. The author for the first time introduces some previously unpublished materials from G. Hallström’s and F. M. Morosov’s archives. The feasibility of reconstruction is verified using virtual modeling technologies including photogrammetry, sculpting, projection of archival photographs on a 3D model. The analysis of information contained in biographical literature allows to conclude that the rock slab was extracted and moved away in 1935. It is concluded that the initial position of the rock slab was atypical for the Onega petroglyphs. At the time the petroglyphs were being carved on the surface of the slab it had already been separated from the bedrock. The author assumes that new petroglyphs can probably be found in the future on similar rock slabs.
Keywords: Petroglyphs of Lake Onega, Peri Nos Cape, G. Hallström, F. M. Morozov, digital photogrammetry, 3D modeling.
DOI: 10.31600/2658-3925-2021-1-87-106
For citation: Blyshko D. V. “Rock overhanging the water”: the initial position of the rock slab with carvings from the collection of the National Museum of the Republic of Karelia on the Peri Nos III Cape. Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2021 (1), 87-106 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.31600/2658-3925-2021-1-87-106
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