Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of SB RAS, 3 Academician Koptyug Av., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia []
Received 16.09.2021, accepted 22.11.2021.
DOI: 10.31600/2658-3925-2022-1-118-125
For citation: Kuzmin Ya. V. Biography of an iconic figure in world archaeology: the life and excavations of James Mellaart (Mellaart A. C. and other contributors, Baysal E. (ed.). James Mellaart: The Journey to Catalhoyuk. Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, 2020. 476 p.). Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2022 (1), 118–125. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.31600/2658-3925-2022-1-118-125
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