Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS
Pervobytnaia arkheologiia. Zhurnal mezhdistsiplinarnykh issledovanii
Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Pervobytnaia arkheologiia. Zhurnal mezhdistsiplinarnykh issledovanii
Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies

Baryshnikov G. F. Fauna of the Paleolithic site of Ilskaya in the Northern Caucasus, Russia

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Zoological Institute RAS, 1 Universitetskaya emb., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia [

Abstract. For the first time, the results of the study of paleontological materials obtained during all the years of excavations of the Middle Paleolithic site of Ilskaya are present. The fauna includes 24 species of mammals and 3 species of birds. Bone remains of steppe bison Bison priscus dominate (up to 86%). The presence of mammoth Mammuthus intermedius, horse Equus taubachensis, deer Megaloceros giganteus, water vole Arvicola cf. chosaricus makes it possible to correlate the lower layers of the site with the late stage of the Khazar theriocomplex of Eastern

Europe (Eem — early Weichselian). Cuon alpinus, Ursus kudarensis, Capreolus capreolus, Capra sp., characteristic of the mountains of the Southern Caucasus, and steppe species Vulpes corsac, Equus hydruntinus, Saiga tatarica, Bison priscus, Spalax microphtalmus, indicating the predominance of open landscapes in the vicinity of the site, were found. The site is located at the narrowing of the river valley, which contributed to the accumulation of bone remains. It is assumed that a part of the bone assemblage was deposited here as a result of the recurring natural deaths of

mammoths and bison that drowned during floods, while the other part consists of the remains of animals hunted by Neanderthals. The latter is reconstructed primarily from the mortality profile of bison dominated by prime-age adults, and is supported also by both the high degree of fragmentation of fresh bone and the rarity of traces of carnivore modification.

Keywords: Ilskaya site, Northern Caucasus, Late Pleistocene, Middle Paleolithic, fauna, large mammals, zooarchaeology.

Received 11.10.2022, accepted 02.11.2022.

DOI: 10.31600/2658-3925-2022-2-52

For citation: Baryshnikov G. F. Fauna of the Paleolithic site of Ilskaya in the Northern Caucasus, Russia. Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2022 (2), 5–52. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.31600/2658-3925-2022-2-52


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