Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS
Pervobytnaia arkheologiia. Zhurnal mezhdistsiplinarnykh issledovanii
Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Pervobytnaia arkheologiia. Zhurnal mezhdistsiplinarnykh issledovanii
Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies

Covalenco S. I., Burlacu V. A. Remains of a short-term hunting camp in the fifth cultural layer of the Upper Paleolithic site Rashkov 8 (planigraphy, evidence of the use of ocher)

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National Museum of History of Moldova 121A Strada 31 August 1989, Chișinău, MD2012, Moldova [;]

Abstract. The article is devoted to the results of the study of the lowermost and most enigmatic cultural layer of the Upper Paleolithic site Rashkov 8, located on the left bank of the Dniester River in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. The layer in question (fifth cultural layer) was excavated over an area of 50 square meters. As a result, numerous mammoth bones and rare flint artifacts were found. The absence of any household facilities, the fact that all the mammoth bones belong to one individual, and the evidence of short-term occupation suggest that we have to deal with the remains of a shortterm hunting camp. Of special interest is the fact that some of the mammoth bones (nasal and pelvic ones) are painted with red ocher of local origin. Moreover, vague anthropomorhic silhouettes could be discerned on one of the bones after it had been uncovered.

Keywords: Dniester basin, Late Paleolithic, mammoth, hunting camp, spatial analysis, ocher.

Received 10.10.2022, accepted 02.11.2022.

DOI: 10.31600/2658-3925-2022-2-68-83

For citation: Covalenco S. I., Burlacu V. A. Remains of a short-term hunting camp in the fifth cultural layer of the Upper Paleolithic site Rashkov 8 (planigraphy, evidence of the use of ocher). Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2022 (2), 68–83 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.31600/2658-3925-2022-2-68-83


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