Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS
Pervobytnaia arkheologiia. Zhurnal mezhdistsiplinarnykh issledovanii
Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Pervobytnaia arkheologiia. Zhurnal mezhdistsiplinarnykh issledovanii
Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies

Otcherednoy A. K., Artyukhova O. A., Mamirov T. B., Osipova E. A., Ozhereliev D. V., Vishnyatsky L. B. Possible traces of the eastward spread of the Micoquian in Central Eurasia: asymmetrical backed bifaces from Semizbugu

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Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS, 18 Dvortsovaya emb., Se. Petersburg, 191186, Russia [;]

A. Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology, 44 Dostyk St., Almaty, A25D9KO, Kazakhstan [;]

Centre Européen de Recherches Préhistoriques, av. Léon Jean Grégory 66720, Tautavel, France (UMR7194 HNHP) []

Institute of Archaeology RAS, 19 Dm. Ulyanova St., Moscow, 117292, Russia []

Abstract. The paper describes and analyzes two bifacially worked tools from the site of Semizbugu on the northern shore of Lake Balkhash (Kazakhstan) which find clear morphological and technological (operation sequence) analogies in the category of Keilmessers. These and similar objects from other archaeological sites in the plain zone of Kazakhstan are of particular interest in the light of a recent hypothesis about the eastward spread of the Micoquian from Europe to Altai.

Keywords: Middle Paleolithic, Central Eurasia, Semizbugu, Micoquian.

Received 16.05.2023, accepted 29.05.2023

DOI: 10.31600/2658-3925-2023-1-25-31

For citation: Otcherednoy A. K., Artyukhova O. A., Mamirov T. B., Osipova E. A., Ozhereliev D. V., Vishnyatsky L. B. Possible traces of the eastward spread of the Micoquian in Central Eurasia: asymmetrical backed bifaces from Semizbugu. Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2023 (1), 25–31. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.31600/2658-3925-2023-1-25-31


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