Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS, 18 Dvortsovaya emb., St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia []
Received 02.02.2023, accepted 20.04.2023
DOI: 10.31600/2658-3925-2023-1-120-122
For citation: Kolpakov E. M. Archaeological theory without theory and without archaeology (Chapman R. Archaeological Theory: The Basics. London and New York: Routledge, 2023. 194 p.). Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2023 (1), 120–122. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.31600/2658-3925-2023-1-120-122
Chapman R., Wylie A. 2016. Evidential Reasoning in Archaeology. London: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing.
Kolpakov E.M. 1993. The end of theoretical archaeology? A glance from the East. Norwegian Archaeological Review 26, 107–115.