Research papers
- Stepanchuk V. N. Bifacial products from the upper layer of the site of Mira in the Dnieper region: context, techno-morphological features, and current interpretations.
- Silaev V. I., Shanina S. N., Smoleva I. V., Kiseleva D. V., Cherednichenko N. V., Khazov A. F., Tumanova E. A., Pavlov P. Yu. Testing the use of mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of fossil bone remains as a tool for reconstructing paleolandscapes at the Paleolithic site of Zaozer'e (Middle Urals)
- Dmitrenko L. M., Putintseva E. V. Collections of stone tools from Argentina stored in MAE RAS
- Dolgushin I. D., Tabarev A. V. On the 100th anniversary of M. Uhle's works in Ecuador
Brief communications
Book reviews
- Klejn L. S. Paleolithic art and the evolution of figurative activity (Шер Я. А. Доистория искусства. Происхождение и начальная эволюция. М.: Издательский дом ЯСК, 2017. 232 с.)
- Klejn L. S. Stanford conversations about archaeology (Rathje W. L., Shanks M., Witmore Chr. (eds.). Archaeology in the Making: Conversations Through a Discipline. New York & London: Routledge, 2013. 418 p.)
- Kuzmin Ya. V. Earliest history of clothes: the first attempt of global synthesis (Hoffecker J. F. Modern Humans: Their African Origin and Global Dispersal. New York: Columbia University Press, 2017. 506 p.)
- Kuzmin Ya. V. Earliest history of clothes: the first attempt of global synthesis(Gilligan I. Climate, clothing and agriculture in prehistory: linking evidence, causes, and effects. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019. 326 p.)
- Shchavelev S. P. Archaeologist as a culturologist: does he has a right? (Клейн Л. С. Культура и эволюция. Теоретические исследования. СПб.: Евразия, 2018. 316 с.)