Research papers
- Gerasimova M. M., Khaldeeva N. I., Kharlamova N. V., Vasiliev S. V. Upper Paleolithic skull from Abri Pataud (France, Dordogne): cranial and dental studies.
- Sergin V. Ya. Kirillovskoe settlement: history of research and problems of the structure.
- Tabarev A. V., Ivanova D. A. In the beginning was the word: On the history of the term “Jōmon” in Russian archaeological literature.
- Kolpakov E. M. The concept of Early Metal period in the archaeology of Northern Europe.
- Semenov A. V., Kasparov A. К. Faunal remains from the burials of the 2nd–1st millennia BC in Tuva: Main results and perspectives of the study (based on the materials excavated by the Tuva Archaeological Expedition of IHMC RAS in 2010– 2018).
Book reviews
- Palaguta I. V. Tripolian «settlements-giants»: new studies and new questions (Ohlrau R. Maidanets‘ke: Development and Decline of a Trypillia Mega-site in Central Ukraine. Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2020. 424 p.)
- Kuzmin Ya. V. Tephroarchaeology in the North Pacific: connection between volcanology and archaeology (Barnes Gina L., Soda Tsutomu (eds.). TephroArchaeology in the North Pacific. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2019. 329 p.)
- Otcherednoy A. K., Stepanova K. N. Excursions around Afontova mountain (Мещерин М. Н. (ред.). Геология палеолита Северной Азии: к столетию со дня рождения С. М. Цейтлина. Путеводитель полевой экскурсии. Красноярск: Ситалл, 2020. 108 с.)