- Meshcherin M. N. Foreword. To the memory of a remarkable scientist and person
- Vasil’ev S. A. S. M. Tseitlin and A. F. Yamskikh: problems of geology of the Paleolithic of the Yenisei
- Konstantinov M. V. Transbaikalian pages of S. M. Tseitlin's research biography
- Kuzmin Ya. V. Ancient humans in Siberia during the Last Glacial Maximum: development of opinions in the last 40 years
- Vdovin A. S., Maizik E. I., Makarov N. P. «All Asian paleoethnologists should say thanks to you»: Nikolai Konstantinovich Auerbakh and research at Afontova Gora in 1930
- Artemiev E. V., Razgildeeva I. I. Formation of cultural layers at the Krutaya site: towards the question of palimpsest archaeological assemblages
- Baryshnikov G. Ya. The use of physico-chemical methods in the study of archaeological sites of Gorny Altai
- Ponkratova I. Yu. Chronometry of the deposits of multi-layer Ushki V site (Kamchatka Peninsula), age, sequence and appearance of its cultural complexes
- Krupyanko A. A. Pre-ceramic time objects in the archaeology of the Peter the Great Bay littoral zone, Southern Primorye
- Shchavelev S. P. History of archaeology and an archaeologist of the last time (Волков П. В. Человек за камнем. Археология в последнее время. 2-е изд., испр. СПб.: Платоновское философское общество, 2020. 280 с.)
- Palaguta I. V. Typo-chronology of the Tripolye sites in the Bug-Dnieper interfluve: Giant settlements in the regional context (Shatilo L. Tripolye Typo-chronology: Mega and Smaller Sites in the Sinyukha River Basin (Scales of Transformation). Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2021. 370 p.)
- Kuzmin Ya. V. New textbook on Quaternary geology (Астахов В. И. Четвертичная геология суши. Учебное пособие. СПб.: Издательство Санкт-Петербургского университета, 2020. 440 с.)