Editor's foreword
Research papers
- Formozov A. A. An archaeologist’s reflections on prehistoric society (publication prepared by S. P. Shchavelev)
- Vishnyatsky L. B. About the genuine author of the magical hypothesis of art origins.
- Pitulko V. V. Yana B area of the Yana site: some observations done during the excavations of 2015 through 2018.
- Kuzmin Ya. V. Obsidian acquisition and exchange in prehistoric cultures of the Russian Far East and Northeast Siberia: a review of the 25 years of research.
- Lozovskaya O. V. On the use of fishing nets at the Zamostje 2 site.
- Bogdanov S. V. The function of “utyuzhki” from the steppe Ural.
Brief communications
Book reviews
- Vasiliev S.A. Late Acheulean humans of the Lazaret Grotto in the south of France (Lumley M.-A. de (dir.) Les restes humains fossiles de la Grotte du Lazaret, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes. Des Homo erectus européens évolués en voie de néandertalisation. Paris: Ed. CNRS, 2018. 852 p.)
- Anisyutkin N. K. Results of the study of the Mousterian in the Dniester basin (Черныш А. П. Очерки по палеолиту Прикарпатья. Львов: Институт украиноведения им. И. Крипякевича НАНУ, 2015. 170 с.)